Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Larry Huffman sends a message to Brasilian fans

rockn'roll racing voices collection downloadLucasRRR, like all of us, it is a big fan of Rock and Roll Racing, one of the most popular games of the SNES platform: Big N. In 2007 he sent an email to Larry SuperMouth (Larry Huffman) asking him to say something to the Brazilian fans. To his surprise, the guy who is one of the most famous world narrator nicknamed SuperMouth answered his request. The result you can check below. If you want to download the audio just click on the download option below.


I leave below, another video of the myth, this is the LucasRRR channel, but I do not know if this is the official channel of him, but the video in which Larry talks to a woman's pretty cool. Take a look!

This video has the Larry Huffman voices in the Rock and Roll Racing game. All stories, grouped into one video. I hope you enjoy!

If you want more information about the game and curiosities, it has a Brazilian community on the Internet that discuss everything about the game:

This video was produced by Sonaje YouTube channel. If you want to subscribe to the channel to stay on top of what happens there and be notified when new videos are uploaded click subscribe button. The channel covers topics about games and consoles, old. So if you like to remember the games that marked his childhood feel free to sign up. To download all the narrations of Larry Huffman is on video click Download.

Larry Huffman voices


That's it guys, I'm staying here then. If you liked this article leave your comment, compliment or suggestion and also tell if there are broken links. Help us spread the word by sharing it on social networks. Bye-bye friends

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