Monday, April 9, 2018

8 tools to help your Channel grow on Youtube

Hello everybody, in this post, I’ll show you some good tools to promote your videos from your YouTube channel. Today one of my channels has more than 100 M video views and some of these tools helped me to reach this number. To see what I'm talking visit and take a look at the number of views. Only in some videos I use this kind of tool because my channel has so many videos today that I could not use at all the videos even if I wanted. To follow the result I use quite a few simple videos. tools to to get more views on youtubeSome of my videos has more than 10 million views. And all of them are quite simple, so even need a tool that helps to increase the number of views, I will leave here an example of some videos that are on my channel and I also used these types of tools to help increase the number of views of them. I hope you enjoy them!


Well, but I'm not here to talk about my channel and my videos but the tools. The first, on which I will talk about is the FollowLike site.

1. TubeBuddy

It's an extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that helps you perform various tasks within your YouTube channel. These include:

  1. Bulk annotation on all your YouTube videos.

  2. Create an Animated Gif from a YouTube video of you.

  3. Create online thumbnails for a video from your channel already uploaded to YouTube.

  4. Create a copy of your video from YouTube to Facebook. Not link, or share. Your row file video goes to Facebook (profile, group or page) as if you had uploaded to Zuckerberg Platform.

  5. Create Tags to improve the ranking of your video and be found. If you never got tag ideas, this is great for you.
    This is some of the features of the TubeBuddy tool, but there's still more to it. Check it out.

  6. Analyzing other channels and comparing growth with your channel.

  7. Allows you to view and copy tags from any YouTube video, so you can use it on any video of you.

  8. Allows you to write anything in a video description, and automatically replicate to all videos on your channel, without the need to delete what is already written in the description of these videos.

Name TubeBuddy
Platform Chrome and Firefox
License Free with paid options
More informations Click here

2. FollowLike

imageThe system works with a kind of coins, but rest assured that the service is free too. Interacting with other platforms of other users you accumulate coins that can be spent on a campaign that you do. This includes YouTube views, comments and likes. In addition to YouTube you can popularize your page or profile on other social networks also like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. I'm using at the moment and I'm enjoying particularly because it is helping me a lot.

Name Followlike
Platform Multiple
License Free, with paid options
More informations Click here

3. HitLeap


This one works with minutes. When you subscribe you get 100 minutes for free to start promoting your video or your channel. Click Add New Website and enter the url of your video or your channel if you want to promote your channel instead of a video only. Every time someone visits your link, the minutes of this one are being discounted. To earn more minutes you need to download an application and install it on your computer. Through this application you view the links from other users, so you will accumulate more minutes that can be used to generate traffic for you then. Unfortunately for accumulating minutes, your computer must be connected because the links are displayed by the software that you install on your computer and not through a browser.

Name HitLeap
Platform YouTube, blogs and sites,
License Free, with paid options
More informations Click Here

4. Google Trends

If you have something that YouTube loves are trends. Generally channels that follow trends have a much better chance of growing than those who do not care what is happening at the moment.

So if you want your YouTube channel to grow faster you need to keep up with what everyone is talking about.

To do this type of analysis, nothing better than a tool of Google itself. Since most of the searches on the internet are made in the Google search engine. Google Trends will show you the most talked about subject of the moment. Once you've done the research, you just need to be a little expert and fit that subject into your content. Do not forget that the title of your video needs to have the words corresponding to the subject of the moment.

TubeAssist (this tool is about to be discontinued)

Tube-Assist-LogoThis site works with video sharing, helping you to make a really difficult task and takes a lot of time on YouTube: sharing video. Your random sending system sends your videos to multiple user with care not to send back to the same user during the activity. A great tool for those who do not have much time to stay at the computer sharing video with other users. With the basic license, the system shares a video up to four thousand times in a month. This number may increase up to ten times depending on the used license. In addition to sharing videos has other automated tasks that this tool can also do such as: Send a message to users who commented on a particular video for example, add users to your Google+ circles, comment directly on other YouTube user channel and more.

Name TubeAssist
Platform YouTube
License Paid
More informations Click Here

5. LikesPlanet


The LikesPlanet is also multiplatform, very similar to Followlike. In addition to spreading your YouTube videos on the internet, you may also disclose your page or profile of various other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on ... To see the rest of the networks you can use, make your register and meet the platform. I'm pretty sure you will sympathize with the system interface.

Name LikesPlanet
Platform Multiple
License Free, with paid options
More informations Click here

6. is not a proper tool to spread channels or YouTube videos, but you can advertise, for example, a post from your blog that has a video of you, so getting an "indirect" advert. Put simply, you embed your video on your blog, then picks up the blog post link and disseminates with Adfly. So when Internet users enter the posting he will click on the video. Depending on the type of publication you want to do the Adf.Ly can perfectly suit your needs. The downside is that (although cheap) you need to pay to promote your link. 5000 are views for $ 5 US dollars, that is, starting with a campaign this value you will get your article with your video or channel, shown on the screen for 5000 times for 5 seconds. Hence the user will choose whether to enter your article or not. If you choose to make an announcement with you need to put a very attractive miniature, and to arouse the user's curiosity when he sees your ad. For thus will have a good chance they click on your ad. Recalling further that the ad impression does not mean a view in your video, to add one view, the user needs to click on your ad which will be redirected to your article, when reading the article will most likely click on the video play thus adding another viewing on your video.
Name Adf.Ly
Platform Multiple
License Paid
More informations Click here

7. LinkCollider


Besides being a multi-platform system like Followlike also serves as an SEO optimizer (search engine optmization), as many of them mentioned here, that is, for those who have blogs or websites and want to boost the pageviews, I also recommend, this system, which includes the free service. The LinkCollider is very similar to AddMeFast, Followlike, LikesPlanet, YouLikeHits. To visit the site look for the link below.

System LinkCollider
Platform Multiple
License Free, with paid options
More informations Click here

8. Add-me Fast

Similar to FollowLike, the Add Me Fast is the most popular of the category and works in the same style FollowLike, YouLikeHits, LikesPlanet, LinkCollider and extinct LikeEx. In addition to YouTube, it works with several other social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud. Several options for you want to show your profile or even a job as music, if any of the SoundCloud platform. So register now and start earning points to publicize your work.
Name AddMeFast
Platform Multiple
License Free, with paid options
More informations Click here

9. Adwords for videos

Google's own, allows a disclosure so that you upload a video to YouTube. But prepare the pocket because this really is for bourgeois. It is widely used by large companies to promote a brand or product. Maybe the price is very high for users who simply want to promote your video or your channel on YouTube. But you can try it on and analyse the result.

Name Adwords for videos
Platform YouTube
License Paid
More informations Click Here

Below you can check out a budget that I just do. If you want to spread your video, with Adwords for video this information will be useful for you:


That's it folks, if you know any more tool that is effective to spread YouTube videos on the web leave a comment below. Maybe we can test and put here on this post. Subscribe to the blog to stay on top of what happens here in the next articles. If you liked the post, share on social networks, so you help us too. See you in the next post.

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